Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication. Minimalism is not a style, it is an attitude, a way of being.

TEL : (852) 2119 2218 WhatsApp : (852) 6333 6107 Room 04, 16/F, Block B, Tung Chun Industrial Building, 11-13 Tai Yuen Street, Shek Yam, Hong Kong

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"Simplicity", "Japanese", and "eco-friendliness" change your lifestyle. . "Simplicity", "Japanese", and "eco-friendliness" change your lifestyle. . . . Minimalism Trend Co. Enquiry: Phone: +852 2119 2218 Whatsapp: +852 6333 6107 Email: [email protected] Address: Room C, 17th Floor, Shui Wing Industrial Building, No. 12-22 Tai Yuen Street, Kwai Chung Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00AM - 18:00PM . #MinimalismTrend