Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication. Minimalism is not a style, it is an attitude, a way of being.

TEL : (852) 2119 2218 WhatsApp : (852) 6333 6107 Room 04, 16/F, Block B, Tung Chun Industrial Building, 11-13 Tai Yuen Street, Shek Yam, Hong Kong


Homeblog“Entrance Design” – How to make small entrance become beautiful?

“Entrance Design” – How to make small entrance become beautiful?

Entrance, also known as the mudroom, presents the first impression of the house when you first enter it. Mudroom’s appearance and functionality are important to most of the people. Therefore, it requires well design with much more care of the details.
We has collected 4 styles of entrance design for you this time? Which one you like the most? Leave us a message below and share to everyone! If you have any enquiry, you may also send us by inbox! We will try our best to answer your questions!
Minimalism Trend Co.
Phone: +852 2119 2218
Whatsapp: +852 6333 6107
Email: [email protected]
Address: Room C, 17th Floor, Shui Wing Industrial Building, No. 12-22 Tai Yuen Street, Kwai Chung
Opening hours: Monday to Friday 9:00AM – 18:00PM
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